
numbers.random.bates(n, b, a)

Generates a random number according to a Bates distribution inside the interval [a,b]. Both arguments are optional.


n : Int

Number of times to sum.

b : Number, optional

Right endpoint of interval. Default value is 1.

a : Number, optional

Left endpoint of the interal. Default value is 0.


num : Number

Random number according to a Bates distribution on [a,b].


This function does not raise any errors.

numbers.random.boxMullerTransform(mu, sigma)

Generates a pair of indepedent pseudo-random numbers from a normal distribution with mean mu and standard deviation sigma. Both arguments are optional.


mu : Number, optional

Mean. Default value is 1.

sigma : Number, optional

Standard deviation. Default value is 0.


arr : Array

A pair of random numbers according to a normal distribution with mean mu, standard deviation sigma.


This function does not raise any errors.

numbers.random.distribution.bates(n, b, a)

Creates an array of n random numbers according to an Bates distribution inside the interval [a,b]. a and b are optional arguments.


n : Int

Amount of random numbers to generate.

b : Number, optional

Right endpoint of interval. Default value is n.

a : Number, optional

Left endpoint of interval. Default value is 0.


arr : Array

An array of n random numbers from a Bates distribution on [a,b].


This function does not raise any errors.

numbers.random.distribution.boxMuller(n, mu, sigma, rc)

Creates an array of n random numbers according to the Box-Muller transform with a mean mu and standard deviation sigma. ru determines if the returned value will be in polar coordinates. mu, sigma and rc are optional arguments.


n : Int

Amount of random numbers to generate.

mu : Number, optional

Mean. Default value is 1.

sigma : Number, optional

Standard deviation. Default value is 0.

rc : Boolean, optional

Determine if returned values should be in polar coordinates (true) or not (false). Default value is false.


arr : Array

An array of n random numbers from a normal distribution with mean mu, standard deviation sigma.


This function does not raise any errors.

numbers.random.distribution.irwinHall(n, m, sub)

Creates an array of n random numbers according to an Irwin-Hall distribution with a maximum sum value of m and a subtraction value of sub. mu and sub are optional arguments.


n : Int

Amount of random numbers to generate.

m : Number, optional

Maximum sum value. Default value is n.

sub : Number, optional

Number to subtract. Default value is 0.


arr : Array

An array of n random numbers from a normal distribution with mean mu, standard deviation sigma.


This function does not raise any errors.


Creates an array of n random numbers (approximately) according to a normal distribution with bounds (-6, 6).


n : Int

Amount of random numbers to generate.


arr : Array

An array of n random numbers from a normal distribution with bounds (-6,6).


This function does not raise any errors.

numbers.random.distribution.logNormal(n, mu, sigma)

Creates an array of n random numbers according to a log-normal distribution with a mean mu and standard deviation sigma. mu and sigma are optional arguments.


n : Int

Amount of random numbers to generate.

mu : Number, optional

Mean. Default value is 1.

sigma : Number, optional

Standard deviation. Default value is 0.


arr : Array

An array of n random numbers from a log-normal distribution with mean mu, standard deviation sigma.


This function does not raise any errors.

numbers.random.distribution.normal(n, mu, sigma)

Creates an array of n random numbers according to a normal distribution with a mean mu and standard deviation sigma. mu and sigma are optional arguments.


n : Int

Amount of random numbers to generate.

mu : Number, optional

Mean. Default value is 0.

sigma : Number, optional

Standard deviation. Default value is 1.


arr : Array

An array of n random numbers from a normal distribution with mean mu, standard deviation sigma.


This function does not raise any errors.

numbers.random.irwinHall(n, sub)

Generates a random number according to an Irwin-Hall distribution, given a maximum sum, n, and a number to subtract, sub.


n : Number

Maximum sum.

sub : Number

Number to subtract.


num : Number

Random number according to an Irwin-Hall distribution.


This function does not raise any errors.

numbers.random.sample(a, b, n)

Generates an array of n uniformly distributed random numbers inside the interval [a,b].


a : Int

Left endpoint of interval.

b : Int

Right endpoint of interval.

n : Int

Amount of random numbers to generate.


arr : Array

An array of n random numbers inside [a,b].


This function does not raise any errors.